Thursday, February 10, 2011

Theory Of Evolution

The mistake done by the most of the scholars of our time is that they tried to interpret Islam in the context of every scientific theory whether it's right or not. To explain the reason for "Shahab-e-saqib" by science may have been easy and could possibly be explained but "Nazaria-e-Irtiqa" or theory of evolution can not be certified. .

For example the theory of evolution demands that a man should always be in a state of prosperity i.e he was an ape, than a person , then the Qabeela (tribal) system took place and then social society is formed etc etc, Hence it means that life of a human is always on the road of success.

On the other hand religion tells us that in the life of hereafter the person who has done good deed will be in jannah (in accordance to nazaria-e-irtiqa or theory of evolution) but the one in hell doesn't fit it. Hence people deny the existence of hell. And few of those . who accepts hell doesn't consider it as a place for punishment ! but consider it as an obstacle and a place of "Training".

Hence those in favor of theory of evolution changes the whole philosophy of religion that life is an exam and make's this life a place in which there will always be prosperity. .

Many other examples can be given in order to defy this theory , but the sad thing is that most of our scholars instead of proving a scientific theory wrong tries to com-pulsate it in the theory of religion.

Note that many of the scientific researchers also don't acknowledge this theory as an authentic one ! Even all the scientists don't believe in theory of evolution. Sir Aurthur KEITH (Scottish anatomist) in 1953 said that:

"Evolution is unproved and unproveable. We believe it only because the alternative is special creation which is unthinkable."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Islam and Terrorism

Rising Of a New Interpretation Of Islam:
After the cold war ended, and soviets left Afghanistan, internal wars started in the country. The tribal wars continued over a long time period and in late 90’s, a new phenomenon “Taliban” emerged on the surface of Afghanistan.

These Taliban used the name of Islam for their political empowerment so that they can gain sympathy from their fellow Muslim brothers. All their action from that moment till now is based on a specific ideology which is given below.

Taliban’s Ideology:

There are two main verses of Quran which are interpreted by some of the scholar of recent times to make it obligatory on a person to make a Muslim establishment over whole world. The first verse which is often quoted by these scholars in Quran is: 

He has sent His messenger with the guidance and the true religion, and will make it dominate all religions, in spite of the idol worshipers. [61:9]

This verse is regularly quoted by the scholars representing this ideology and base on it they think that it is mandatory on every Muslim to strive hard for the political empowerment over the world. The particular practice is often referred as “Fariza-e-Aqamat-e-Deen”.

The second verse which is used to support the above argument is:

[42:13] He decreed for you the same religion decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it."

The last part of verse is saying that "You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it." In Arabic the words are “Aqeem ud deen” and the term is quoted as to uphold the religion over whole world i.e the religion “Islam” should be uphold and implied to the government as a law in every country.


The outcome of this particular perspective was an extremist government, in the form of Taliban in Afghanistan.  English medium schools were destroyed; children were not allowed to get higher scientific education as it was referred as “Western Education”. Women were not given their fundamental rights; they were not allowed to go out and were detained in their houses. Islam was imposed on every person living in that society where as organizations such as “Shariah Court” came into working, verdict of which could not have been challenged in any other court.

The same concept due to which Taliban came into power in Afghanistan led them to dream to rule over whole world while presenting their need of political empowerment in the veil of political Islamic interpretation. The tragedy of 9/11 is one of the most prominent examples of this extremist interpretation of Islam.

Counter Arguments on Taliban’s Ideology:

The verse which is presented is:

When a person read this verse in the proper context of Quran, he understands that this verse is telling about a particular Sunnah of Al-Mighty Allah. The sunnah of Allah refers to the fact that whenever He sends his prophets (Rasools) to people, Allah S.W.T makes them and their followers conquer the world as well as, they are assured the blessings of Al-Mighty in paradise also. It may be possible that a “Rasool” is neglected by his nation but it is the sunnah of Al-Mighty that he or his followers will most surely conquer that nation. Quran says that: 

Surely, those who oppose GOD and His messenger will be with the lowliest. [58:20]
GOD has decreed: "I and My messengers will most assuredly win." GOD is Powerful, Almighty. [58:21]

Prophet Mohammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him), was also a prophet (Rasool) of God. Hence the sunnah of Al-Mighty is same for him too. It is said:

Such is GOD's system throughout history, and you will find that GOD's system is unchangeable. [48:23]

The “sunnah” of God is translated to God’s system in the above verse. The question now is that how does this sunnah of God took place? The disbelievers were killed by the companions of Prophet Mohammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him), and the promise of God came true. The same sunnah of God implies to the nation of Noah, Moses, Samood etc. It is stated in Quran that:

Tell those who disbelieved: if they stop, all their past will be forgiven. But if they return, they will incur the same fate as their previous counterparts. [8:38]

You shall fight them to ward off oppression, and to practice your religion devoted to GOD alone. If they refrain from aggression, then GOD is fully Seer of everything they do. [8:39]

Similarly the same sunnah of Al-Mighty is referred as the promise of God to His prophet and companions of prophet. It is said:

GOD promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked. [24:55]

The Ideology of Violence and Our Society:

The ideology behind present-day terrorism is that, Islam being a political system, it is the duty of all Muslims to establish Islamic rule in the world. This thinking was not there during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him). It is a later innovation which was developed in the last few centuries by a handful of people. Having become widespread in the Muslim world today, it is leading to present-day violence.

A large number of Muslims, and especially the youth of our society, have become obsessed with this ideology and are trying to establish the political rule of Islam, thinking it to the way to paradise. Having failed to achieve this objective of establishing Islamic rule, instead of questioning them that what is the motive of our religion? They switched to violence and terrorist activities. The idea to the approach being that if we cannot eliminate non-Islamic rule, then let us at least destabilize it and pave the way for Islamic rule.
The above thinking is spreading gradually in our society and even our elite class scholars try to defend this ideology. According to federal minister for tourism Maulana Attaur Rehman:

"Ulema and Taliban are the true followers of Islamic ideology and America is the biggest terrorist of the world, which is creating hatred against them.”

The Ideology of Peace:

Prophet Mohammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him) was a Prophet of Peace and whole teaching of Islam is based upon tolerance and compassion. But sadly Muslims of today are acting intolerantly and paying price for this unnatural thinking.

It is often said in our society that “Give us justice and peace will ensue”. The statement itself contradicts to its meanings as it is impossible to have any kind of justice until there is peace in the society. For providing justice to anyone, it is necessary that there should be peace in society. Without peace justice could not be provided to a person or a group.

Let’s take an example from the recent history to understand the ideology of peace. The cold war between Soviets and Americans lasted for half a century approximately, but in the end Americans won it. The reason behind it was not only the power used by Americans but they ideologically defeated the concept of communism. Same strategy should be used to defeat these Taliban, that is they should be condemned ideologically by condemning this so called terrorism through logical reasoning and spreading the true message of Islam.

Jihad in Islam:

The sources of Islam tell us that war is strictly prohibited in Islam. The order of Jihad is given but that too is for special circumstances. Muslims are to fight i.e. do Jihad in order to maintain peace in the society, hence it can be said that Jihad is always done against injustice. The order of Jihad is only for the state and no such group or an organization can do it on its own. The Qur’an has this to say of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him):

"We have not sent you forth but as a mercy to mankind." (21:107)

Prophet Mohammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him) is known as Rehmat-ul-Alameen i.e. he is blessing of God and as God says that he was sent as mercy. Similarly the Prophet Muhammad has observed:

“God grants to gentleness (rifq) what He does not grant to violence (unf)". (Sunah Abu Dawud 4/255)


“The violent method gives your opponents justification for violent retaliation, but if you adopt peaceful methods, the other party has no grounds for using force against you.” Maulana Wahidduddin Khan

A peaceful method saves you from wasting your time and energy. Remaining peaceful helps to normalize the situation and so is constructive. By remaining peaceful, a person controls all his conscious and uses all his intelligence. Moreover, violence only breeds hatred and intolerance, while peace fosters love and compassion. Peace is the greatest social good, for it inculcates positivity among people. Where there is peace there can be developmental activities. But without a peaceful atmosphere, there can be no progress whatsoever.

The above analysis is done on the basis of realistic approach and is based on the thinking of Quran and teachings of Prophet Mohammad (may Allah’s S.W.T peace and blessings be upon him). I end all of this by saying that All the Praise Is For God the Most Beneficial The Most Merciful.”

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Islam Vs Depression

One of the most common problem in today's society is that people lives in tension and constant depression due to work strain and personal affairs. Major depression significantly affects a person's family and personal relationships, work or school life, sleeping and eating habits, and general health etc. To overcome this situation and mental trauma Islam has provided us the basic outlines that how a person should live his life and have given cure for this disease 1400 years ago without the use of any kind of tablets and pills.

Islam provides us principles on which a person should spend his life. In Koran it's said that a person should live a life thanking God which is the most important principle of them all and the best way to cure depression. When a person truly starts to admire the blessings of God, he starts to thank Him in every situation. A person see's that he is better than others and therefore thank God for that, he grasps the spiritual message from his surroundings and ponders over things as a result of which he feels satisfaction from the inside and says "الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين" with pure understanding of nature and God. And hence have no problem with anyone, no consult with material things and is not depressed at all.

It is reported that Ali (May God Be Pleased with Him) said "Whatever happened, happened for good". One may consider this as a frequently used statement to console a person but when he gets hold of the true message hidden in this statement, it no longer remains a common saying to him. A person then makes this statement a principle of leading life. He considers everything which have happened to him whether good or not as a sentence of God and considers it full of Hikmah of God. He tries to figure out the positive points in the situation and highlights the lesson learned from that situation. In short he considers that everything going on around him is for his own good and thus he surrenders himself completely to the will of Al-mighty.

In Koran 94th chapter Alam-Nashrah it's written that "فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْراً - إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْراً" i.e. "So verily, along with every hardship is relief, Verily, along with every hardship is relief”. This verse shows the importance of positive thinking in Islam. It is a promise from the Lord of Throne that with every difficulty there will also be a relief for a person, but the thing is he just needs to figure out that relief in the present situation and struggle hard for his better future keeping in mind the promise of God. He should device a strategy, realize his mistakes done in the past and should always look forward.

Last principle given in this prospect to lead a life in Islam is given in 4th chapter An-Nisa , it is stated that only disbelievers looses hope from the blessings of God. This indeed should be the most prominent characteristic of a believer’s life that he should never lose hope from the Divine blessing. He should be patient in his approach and should have full confidence on his Savior. To lose hope is defined as a quality of a disbeliever in Koran due to which one can assume that losing hope from the Al-mighty and being depressed for a long time not only destroys his personal and material life but is also a great danger for his spiritual life and spiritual journey.

From the above verses and their descriptions one can say that realistic approach to things and then being hopeful is the thinking in accordance with the teachings of Islam and Koran while depression and being sad all over is correspondent to stand against these basic teachings and principles of Islam. “I end all of this by saying that All the Praise Is For God the Most Beneficial The Most Merciful.”

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sprituality In Things

After the 18th century science had given much to this world and in the last century it has prosper in such an unrealistic way. The lights of today have taken the place of twinkling of stars  . . People stay awake at night which was the thing to relax and sleep late in the morning  . . computers are there instead of books and so on. Hence the beauty of nature is completely destroyed by the modern day science and as the result of which we are now living in a Material World.

The work today which should be done is to take the spirituality out of these material things. Lets consider an example for this. Tree grows by absorbing water from it's surrounding but there's a whole process going on behind it. Sun rays strikes the surface of sea water and at a particular temperature it begins to evaporate and leave the salt behind. These water vapors then become clouds and it rains. It's a law of nature. In this we see that every thing needs to purify itself so that it could be useful. Water is purified and then is used to rain. Plant's absorb this water and use it's potential to become a tree full of fruits and flowers. Hence Everything is needed to be purified. Koran terms this purification as "Tazkia" and for a person this purification is termed as "Tazkia e Nafs".

Koran tells us that this purification is the main objective of any prophet or messenger sent toward any nation. In Surah e Jumma it's said that our Prophet Mohammad (May Allah's Mercy Be Upon Him) was sent for the same mission and this purification is done by educating people about "Kitaab" and "Hikamah". Koran is the book which contain these two things, in which 75% of it is Hikmah while other is Kitaab. Hikmah can only be gained by a person who thinks and observe this nature.

Our nature is full of signs of God and Hereafter but the thing is to find that signs. Plants get the purified water by the law of nature. But there is no such thing for a person. God have given him great mind and intelligence to figure out the mysteries of nature , to think in a way that every thing contains a spiritual message in it. If he is breathing , he should think that there's a God who has provided him this air to breath and not only has he provided him but he continuously is providing him , thus recall that his God is "Rehman"  and "Rahim". Similarly if he sees someone in pain he should think that how healthy he is , if he sees someone in difficulties he should praise his God that he is not there with that difficulty. If a person develops his thinking like this he would be able to really grasp the meaning of "الْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِين" and would not be sad and depressed in any manner cause he will then always thank God for making him so good from others. 

The above thinking is in accordance with the education of Islam and is the way of thinking of our beloved Prophet (May Allah's Mercy Be Upon Him). However it can only be gained when a person read Koran and thinks on it , when he observe every little thing of nature and thus always recall his God and praise him. In this way he will be able to really believe that there is a God and simultaneously would be able to make his way easily to paradise in the hereafter.

May Allah make our thinking in accordance with Koran and gives us the ability to take spiritual message from all around the us."l end all of this by saying that All The Praise Is For God The Most Beneficial The Most Merciful".